Apptrailers and Appredem this app is available both Android Os and IOS.

Preview 'Video Trailers' of Apps and get points that you can redeem with PayPal cash, Amazon gift codes and many more with AppTrailers!
Watch the hottest high quality streaming videos of Apps in Google play! The only place you can see a movie preview of an App and get rewarded for it! See hot trailers from DeNa, Supercell, Glu Mobile, Kabaam, Rovio, EA, King and several others
Similar to Fandango and Flixster, App Trailers lets you Preview new video trailers of Apps that you have never seen before!
App Trailers is completely FREE to use and is a great way to quickly view and check out the best features of an App in Android. Bonus alert, check out the new Uploaded videos. Fun and entertaining, Uploaded is where Twitter meets Youtube!

 So you if you are android user you can search this app in Google play and if you are IOS user you can search it in app store. 

Once you install the apps it needs you to enter the invitation code you can enter mine kenjuh. as you can see your apptrailer looks like this. you cant earn points with that you need to show a +5 in order you to earn points.  you cant view a +5 in a video because apptrailer is available only in US or other countries.
in order you to show a +5 into a trailers/videos you need to install vpn i use Hotspot Shield VPN or any vpn that have US country. Hotspot Shield is are giving 3 hours service if you are free user so you can visit in another day or you can search another vpn so that you can continue watch videos and earn points. much better if you have a full vpn so you can earn more points because its unlimited.

if the points appear you can start viewing trailers in all tabs videos/uploaded/movies. and you can go back the trailer you watch but limit it to one or two visits. you can watch also game trailers to gain more points .
and then in the redeem tab they have Daily Free Scratcher you can win points if you are lucky that day .visit it daily to get more points.

Once you can get 500 points you can redeem via paypal you must log in to facebook and input a paypal address to redeem your points.

go to redeem tab and redeem your points. 

once you redeem it. it takes a minute and you recieve an email contains confirmation that you have received payment from appredem.

       the conversion of points in apptrailer is 500 pts=$0.50 , 1,000 pts=$1, 5,000 pts=5$

do you want another proof?

you can upload a short video from YouTube . upload more videos so you have more videos to watch.  Go to uploaded tab and my uploads then upload your video.

i suggest that if your points are in 500 or 1000 you better redeem it because sooner or later apptrailer system detect that you use vpn. and you cannot redeem your points. it takes a months to calm the system and get redeem again. it is happen into my account i am suspended last november and i can redeem back in January 13.  until now my account is back to suspended again. :(

if your account is suspended i suggest that earn more and more points and then email the apptrailer . ex ( my account account is suspended how can i redeem my points? ) apptrailer replies (our system detect that you use vpn blah blah.) (you should reply i will not use vpn again please unsuspend me so that i can redeem my points.) apptrailer replies( we have let your account go but if our system catches you using a VPN again then it will be a permanently ban and your points will be taken away.) you can redeem you points. by the way apptrailers and appredeem is the same if the videos of apptrailer you can go to appredeem to watch videos. but i think there are the same videos running on that two apps.


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